I’m a fluorescent angel, riding on a silver bike. An angel fallen from the Christmas Tree, and upped in a hurry for a ride against the wind. Against the wind in my head, and the rain in my heart. Against the truth and the facts that are speaking for both, you and me. While you cut, I saw,while I heal myself you’ll bleed, but you can’t see that yet, right? Sit with the dictionary in front of you, to translate my words, if you can keep up, and if you can hear my voice, ‘cause I’m ridding, I’m ridding fast, to find that stupid story to last. No voices from the past, to keep me up, so neither you. I hope you understand, my little friend. I’m the glowing angel on that silver bike, the one that passed before your house, and didn’t stop. What for? I already glow from the sun above, I don’t need to charge on your lightbulb. It doesn’t have enough power to keep me up. Kiss my wings for good luck! ;)
marți, 27 aprilie 2010
the angel on a silver bike
Uneori fac fotografii si nu le postez nicaieri, dar le pastrez ca sursa de inspiratie pentru mici scrieri, sau pur si simplu astept povestea potrivita sa le folosesc drept ilustratie. Si uite asa, o poza banala cu un ingeras flurescent de pus in pomul de iarna, calare pe o bicicleta de argint, poate sa ma faca sa scriu ce se poate citi mai jos. O sa pun si traducerea, pentru cine nu stie engleza.:D In curand.

I’m a fluorescent angel, riding on a silver bike. An angel fallen from the Christmas Tree, and upped in a hurry for a ride against the wind. Against the wind in my head, and the rain in my heart. Against the truth and the facts that are speaking for both, you and me. While you cut, I saw,while I heal myself you’ll bleed, but you can’t see that yet, right? Sit with the dictionary in front of you, to translate my words, if you can keep up, and if you can hear my voice, ‘cause I’m ridding, I’m ridding fast, to find that stupid story to last. No voices from the past, to keep me up, so neither you. I hope you understand, my little friend. I’m the glowing angel on that silver bike, the one that passed before your house, and didn’t stop. What for? I already glow from the sun above, I don’t need to charge on your lightbulb. It doesn’t have enough power to keep me up. Kiss my wings for good luck! ;)
I’m a fluorescent angel, riding on a silver bike. An angel fallen from the Christmas Tree, and upped in a hurry for a ride against the wind. Against the wind in my head, and the rain in my heart. Against the truth and the facts that are speaking for both, you and me. While you cut, I saw,while I heal myself you’ll bleed, but you can’t see that yet, right? Sit with the dictionary in front of you, to translate my words, if you can keep up, and if you can hear my voice, ‘cause I’m ridding, I’m ridding fast, to find that stupid story to last. No voices from the past, to keep me up, so neither you. I hope you understand, my little friend. I’m the glowing angel on that silver bike, the one that passed before your house, and didn’t stop. What for? I already glow from the sun above, I don’t need to charge on your lightbulb. It doesn’t have enough power to keep me up. Kiss my wings for good luck! ;)
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